
tl;dr: write down words you don't know

I started a mental exercise some time ago: write down every word I came across and didn't understand (within reason; no floccinaucinihilipilification)

The below list is provided only to keep myself accountable. I'll update this page periodically.


  • didactic - intended to teach with a particularly moralistic, patronizing, and/or ulterior motive
  • connotes - implies an idea or feeling in addition to the literal meaning. Note: connotates is not a word.
  • concomitant - naturally accompanying/associated
  • prandial - relating to dinner or lunch (see also: postprandial)
  • ineluctably - unable to resisted/avoided
  • spurious - not what it purports to be
  • concatenating - link things together in a chain or series
  • palimpsest - something (ex: paper) that has been written over and shows traces of original
  • inexorable - unyielding; impossible to stop
  • somnolent - sleepy / causing drowsiness
  • thrall - servant/captive. (common usage: "in thrall")
  • topical - of immediate relevance
  • cathartic - relief through expression of emotions
  • hale - strong/healthy; free from infirmity or illness
  • pandiculation - stretching and yawning simultaneously
  • supercilious - behaving or appearing like you think you’re better than everyone else
  • disingenuous - insincere; pretending you know less than you do
  • phenocopy - phenotype expression caused by environment
  • navel-gazing - self-indulgent/excessive contemplation of oneself or a single issue, at the expense of a wider view
  • reprobate - unprincipled person (common usage: connotes humor)
  • sybarite - self-indulgent person; fond of luxury
  • licentious - lacking legal or moral restraints; promiscuous
  • bacchanal - occasion of drunk and wild revelry
  • vacuous - having or showing lack of intelligence/thought
  • vicissitudes - change of circumstances or fortune
  • parochialism - limited or narrow outlook (esp a literal area, like a parish)
  • dilettante - a person with a whimsical interest in a subject
  • anodyne - not likely to offend; serving to alleviate pain
  • propound - put an idea forth to others
  • astringent - sharp or severe in manner or style (literal: causes bodily contraction)
  • labile - easy/liable to change; emotionally unstable
  • avarice - extreme greed
  • verity - a fundamental truth; a principle or belief
  • polemic - strong written or verbal attack
  • ardor - enthusiasm or passion
  • benighted - in a state of pitiful intellectual/moral ignorance, typically owing to a lack of opportunity
  • ribaldry - humorous, if vulgar, entertainment
  • poltroon - an utter coward
  • cachexia - weakness and body wasting due to severe illness
  • asperity - harshness of tone or manner
  • evanescence - an event that fades quickly from memory
  • etiology - the cause or causes of a disease or condition
  • loutish - uncouth and aggressive (common usage: of a boy/man)
  • denouement - the final part of a play/narrative in which the plot(s) are drawn together and resolved
  • enouement - The bittersweetness of not being able to tell your past self how the present turned out
  • internecine - destructive to both sides involved
  • dyadic - the interaction/intersection between two individuals
  • ostentatious - characterized by pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice
  • subrogation - one person/group assuming another's debt/insurance claim
  • countenance - admit as acceptable; support
  • ecumenical - representing the body of Christian churches
  • bloviating - talking at length in an pompous or empty way
  • vituperative - bitter and abusive

  • apoplectic - overcome with anger; extremely indignant
  • histrionic - overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style
  • inculcate - teach by persistent instruction
  • vagary - an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or someone's behavior
  • augury - an omen
  • sententious - given to moralizing in a pompous manner
  • surfeit - an excessive amount of something
  • maudlin - self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, often through drunkenness
  • inimical - tending to obstruct or harm
  • explicate - analyze and develop an idea or principle in detail
  • patina - the appearance of something (ex: "the patina of wealth"; literally: a layer on the surface of copper, leather, etc)
  • pedagogy - the method of teaching, as an academic/theoretical concept
  • effusive - expressing gratitude/pleasure/approval in an unrestrained manner
  • obsequious - obedient or attentive to an excessive degree
  • decadally - a frequency measured in decades
  • idempotent - multiple identical requests have the same effect as making a single request
  • garrulous - excessively talkative (esp on trivial matters)
  • mirthless - lacking real amusement (common usage: conveys irony)
  • derisory - ridiculously small, inadequate. Analogous to derisive
  • halcyon - a period of time that was very happy and peaceful
  • exigent - pressing or demanding
  • reify - make something more concrete/real
  • cursorily - performed with haste or minimal attention to detail
  • praxis - the action or practice of an art, science, or skill
  • limerence - a state of mind resulting from romantic attraction
  • piquant - mentally stimulating (note: different than piquante)
  • brusque - abrupt or offhand speech or mannerism
  • cachinnation - an act of laughter

Try it for yourself! It's a nice little hobby.

Thanks for reading. Questions or comments? 👉🏻 alec@contextify.io