Post tagged: reference

talk the talk (a tech glossary)

tl;dr: learn the language of tech niches

read time: 10m (skim), closer to an hour top to bottom

Below is a condensed glossary from my time working in early stage VC, growth, and software engineering.

It is designed to approachable for everyone, especially those without a prior background in …

bash shortcuts

tl;dr: bind common commands to shortcuts. save time. love life.

cost: $0 or $29 one time with Alfred Powerpack

read time: 15 minutes

Below, I overview the bash snippets I regularly use, and how you can easily invoke them with shortcodes

table of contents:


tl;dr: write down words you don't know

I started a mental exercise some time ago: write down every word I came across and didn't understand (within reason; no floccinaucinihilipilification)

The below list is provided only to keep myself accountable. I'll update this page periodically.


  • didactic - intended to teach …